
newly installed beige heat pump external unit on the side of a yellow-ecru home

Can a Ductless Heat Pump Heat a Whole House?

If you’re looking for a more energy efficient way to heat your home, ductless heat pumps are a great option. Ductless heat pumps (also called mini split heat pumps) work by moving heat rather than burning fuel to generate it like a furnace or boiler, which is a much more efficient process.   While the energy … Read more

classic style american house surrounded by autumn leaves, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

How to Make an Old House Energy Efficient Without Hurting It

Old houses are full of charm, but they’re also full of inefficiencies. Common problems in an old house, like cold drafts, hot spots, temperature swings between rooms, and high energy bills, can almost always be traced back to energy efficiency issues. If you want to make improvements but are worried about the impact they’ll have … Read more

air conditioning unit on bedroom wall

How Ductless Air Conditioning Works

Thinking about installing a ductless AC? Before you do, it’s important to understand how these innovative systems work.  Despite the name, a ductless air conditioner is not actually an air conditioner — it’s so much more than that. The term ductless air conditioner is a misnomer for ductless heat pump, which is a highly efficient … Read more

contractor inspecting attic insulation

Does Your Attic Insulation Need to Be Upgraded? Here’s What to Look For 

Attic insulation can last for decades, depending on the material. It doesn’t need to be replaced often, but It may need to be upgraded if there isn’t enough of it; older homes tend to have little to no insulation, leaving them vulnerable to energy loss and comfort issues.  Keeping an eye on your attic insulation … Read more

Cutout of triple vs double pane windows on branded Neeeco teal background

Double-Pane vs Triple-Pane Windows: What’s the Difference?

Your windows have a big impact on your home’s energy efficiency. According to the Department of Energy, heat loss and gain through windows is responsible for 25-30% of the energy used for heating and air conditioning in a home!  Installing multi-pane replacement windows can significantly improve your home’s energy efficiency and help you save money … Read more

Condensing unit of heat pump system on exterior of blue grey home

The Best Alternative to Window AC Units

Window AC units can be convenient, but they also have a lot of downsides. They’re typically inefficient, which can make them expensive to run. Plus, they pose security risks. Your windows have to be partially open to install a window AC, creating an unsecured entry point into your home.  If you’re ready to upgrade, ductless … Read more

a women distressed for high ac bills

Beat the Heat: Secrets to Lower Cooling Costs

Do your summer AC bills already have you sweating!? There’s a simple way to save money. You can reduce your cooling costs by up to 20% just by air sealing your home and upgrading your insulation! Right now, you can get 75-100% off insulation upgrades and no-cost air sealing with Mass Save® incentives. You can … Read more

heat pump installed above window cooling home

Can a Heat Pump Replace an Air Conditioner?

If you’re in the market for a new home cooling system, a heat pump is a great option. High-performance heat pumps provide energy efficient cooling and humidity control to keep your house comfortable all summer long.  But heat pumps do more than cool. They are dual-functioning systems that can also heat your home. So, not … Read more

man putting new battery in his battery powered lawn mower

Get a $75 Rebate for a New Battery-Powered Lawn Mower!

There’s nothing better than looking out at your beautiful lawn after a long day of yard work. But all that upkeep puts stress on your mower. If yours is on its way out, now is the perfect time to replace it with a battery-powered lawn mower. You can get a $75 Mass Save® lawn mower … Read more

The Science In-Between Your Windows

Modern windows are pretty cool – and something most homeowners take for granted, because they often don’t need to be replaced over the course of an owner’s entire time in a single property. Homeowners are in their homes for an average of 13 years, according to the National Association of Realtors, and window manufacturers suggest … Read more

women in yellow shirt turning on heat pump air conditioner

Everything You Need to Know About Heat Pump Air Conditioners

Global temperatures are rising quickly, which means longer and hotter summers. If you don’t have air conditioning in your house, or if your AC is on its last legs, installing a new air conditioner will not only help you stay comfortable but also keep you safe through the next heat wave.  You have a few … Read more

New windows installed in bay window area of home

What To Consider When Shopping for New Windows

Are your house windows starting to get old? Maybe they’re sticking when you try to open and close them, or they’re drafty and you’re worried that heat and AC are leaking right out.  But replacement windows aren’t cheap. Are they really worth the cost?  Before you decide, you have to consider several factors, from the … Read more

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