Commercial Insulation

Save on Insulation for Your Business with Commercial Incentives

Why Insulate Your Commercial Building?

Insulation is one of the most important pieces of any commercial building. Without it, your building will waste energy, which impacts your bottom line! A commercial insulation upgrade from Neeeco will make it easier for your building to retain heat in the winter and block it out in the summer, leading to better comfort for occupants and lower energy and operational costs for you. Plus, you’ll be reducing carbon emissions and doing your part for the environment. 

The Sponsors of Mass Save offer generous building insulation and weatherization rebates to Massachusetts businesses. Neeeco is a Mass Save contractor and can help you take advantage of Mass Save commercial insulation rebates for your building. 

Take Advantage of Insulation Incentives

Schedule a commercial energy audit today!

Mass Save Commercial Insulation Rebates

No matter what size building you operate, you can benefit from Mass Save commercial rebates. The Sponsors of Mass Save offer three options for commercial insulation rebates, based on building size.

Insulation technician unloading branded Neeeco truck

Insulation Incentives for Buildings Under 8,000 Square Feet

If your building is under 8,000 square feet, you can benefit from rebates for attic insulation, wall insulation, and attic air sealing. 

  • Attic insulation rebate: $0.10 per R-value added per square foot
  • Wall insulation rebate: $0.16 per R-value added per square foot
  • Basement insulation rebate: $0.17 per R-value added per square foot
  • Attic air sealing rebate: $115 per hour of air sealing work (proportional to attic size)

Insulation Incentives for Buildings 8,000-100,000 Square Feet

The Sponsors of Mass Save offer custom incentive packages for buildings that are 8,000 to 100,000 square feet. Eligible upgrades include: 

  • Insulation for exterior walls, attics, and roofs 
  • Weatherstripping for exterior doors and windows 
  • Air sealing for exterior walls and roofs
neeeco team member air sealing floor
insulation from neeeco on the ground

Insulation Incentives for Buildings Over 100,000 Square Feet

Large buildings over 100,000 square feet can receive incentives for custom weatherization projects, and calculations are required to determine energy savings. Eligible upgrades may include: 

  • Building insulation
  • Weatherstripping 
  • Air sealing 

The Costs of Poor Building Insulation & Weatherization

Heating and cooling is the largest source of energy consumption in almost any building. When your building is not properly insulated, the energy used to heat and cool it will be quickly lost through walls, floors, attics, and roofing. Your HVAC system will have to run more frequently to make up for the loss, resulting in higher bills and more wear and tear on your equipment. 

Insulating and weatherizing your building minimizes energy loss and leads to many benefits, including: financial savings, improved comfort, and reduced carbon emissions.

Is Your Business Eligible for Mass Save Commercial Insulation Rebates?

Mass Save commercial insulation rebates are available to commercial and industrial customers of Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, National Grid, and Unitil in Massachusetts.

How to Get Mass Save Commercial Insulation Rebates

Neeeco has partnered with the Sponsors of Mass Save to help Massachusetts businesses save energy, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We can help you take advantage of Mass Save commercial weatherization rebates, starting with a no-cost energy assessment. During your assessment, we’ll evaluate your building’s condition and identify the most effective energy-saving measures. For buildings larger than 8,000 square feet, additional steps may be required. Neeeco can help you navigate the process and get your rebate. 

*Some restrictions apply. Offers are subject to change or cancellation. Visit for full details.

Save on insulation upgrades with Mass Save commercial rebates. Call (781) 309-7540 or contact us to get started.

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