Air Sealing
Mass Save® offers no-cost air sealing to Massachusetts residents! Schedule a no-cost Home Energy Assessment to see if you qualify.
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The Most Cost-Effective Way to Save Energy & Money
Insulating and air sealing your house is one of the most cost-effective ways to save money on your energy costs. You can reduce your heating and cooling costs by up to 20% by insulating and air sealing your home!

Reduce your energy costs by up to 20% with insulation and air sealing.

Air sealing eliminates cold drafts and makes your home a more comfortable place to live.

Air Quality
Air sealing stops dust, pollen, insects, and pests from entering your home, keeping your indoor air clean and healthy.

Get 75-100% off an insulation upgrade plus no-cost air sealing with Mass Save rebates and incentives!
Most homes are not airtight—they’re full of small gaps and cracks called air leaks. Air leaks are a problem because they let heated and cooled air leak out of your home while outside air and humidity comes in. That makes your home uncomfortable and it also drives up your energy bills. The amount of air leakage in most homes is equivalent to leaving a window open year round! Air sealing involves plugging the cracks where air is leaking from the home.
Air sealing is best left to a professional home air sealing company like Neeeco. We can pinpoint the exact location of air leaks in your home and help you qualify for rebates with a no-cost Mass Save Home Energy Assessment. You may be eligible for no-cost air sealing plus 75-100% off an insulation upgrade! Schedule your Home Energy Assessment today to get started.
Where to Air Seal in Your House
Air leaks can be located almost anywhere in a home, though some areas are more prone to leakage than others.
Up to 40% of Energy Loss in a Home Is Due to Air Leakage
In an average home, 25-40% of the energy used for heating and cooling is lost due to air leakage. If your home isn’t air sealed, you’re spending a lot more than you need to on energy costs.

Attic Air Sealing
Attics are full of air leaks. Ductwork, plumbing and electrical wire penetrations, vents, chimney flues, attic hatches, and recessed lighting are all surrounded by small gaps that let air move freely.
When hot air rises up into your attic, it creates a vacuum that sucks cold air in through air leaks in the bottom of your home. This is called a stack effect. Air sealing your attic puts a stop to the stack effect so your entire house stays more comfortable and energy efficient.
Basement Air Sealing
Foundations are highly susceptible to cracks and openings that allow air leakage. Sealing air leaks in your basement or crawl space will not only create a more comfortable and energy efficient home but also help keep pests, insects, and moisture out.

Whole-House Air Sealing
There are many smaller areas in your home that need to be air sealed, including around windows, doors, skylights, plumbing and wire penetrations, appliance vents, and more. We can seal most of these areas quickly and efficiently with caulk or weatherstripping.
Insulation & Air Sealing Rebates for Massachusetts Residents
Insulating and air sealing your home is more affordable than ever thanks to the rebates and incentives currently available in Massachusetts. The Sponsors of Mass Save are offering generous insulation and air sealing rebates, and there are also federal tax credits available for home insulation and air sealing.
Mass Save Insulation Rebates
Get 75-100% off an insulation upgrade.
Mass Save Air Sealing Rebates
Receive no-cost air sealing of drafty areas in your home.
0% interest financing up to $25,000 for home insulation and air sealing.
Federal Tax Credit for Insulation & Air Sealing
Get up to $1,200 in federal tax credits for qualifying insulation and air sealing costs.
Some restrictions apply. Offers are subject to change or cancellation. Visit for full details.
Insulation & Air Sealing Services for Massachusetts Homes
Neeeco is the go-to company for insulation and air sealing services in Massachusetts. We are a highly experienced, whole-home energy efficiency expert committed to helping you save money on your energy costs while making your home a healthier and more comfortable place to live. We can help you take advantage of generous Mass Save incentives to make your home upgrade as affordable as possible. You may even qualify for no-cost services! Schedule your no-cost Mass Save Home Energy Assessment to get started.
Don’t miss out on no-cost air sealing! Call (781) 309-7540 or schedule a no-cost Home Energy Assessment today to find out if you qualify.