4 Easy Ways to Save Money In Energy This Winter

piggy bank in the snow

Winter tips to fill the piggybank

Warm up to more savings in the cold

Energy in the home is money in the bank

As winter approaches, people throughout the Bay State prepare for the smorgasbord of seasonal delights that Jack Frost bestows upon us. Rounds of sledding, warm cups of chocolate around the fireplace, and reconnecting with family and friends are just some of the hibernal hallmarks that so many look forward to with anticipation.

However, there is one Grinch that rolls around every winter, and that’s the volatility of heating and electric prices. Perhaps the reason for which electric companies behave so poorly during the winter season is because they’re hoping Santa will bring them free coal with which to power their electric plants. Or perhaps, they’re simply trying to deck the halls – and their wallets.

Whatever the cause, the irrefutable fact is that energy costs skyrocket in the winter. According to the Massachusetts State Government, every method of heating will go up significantly this year. Propane, showing the least variance, will see its prices rise by 10%. Heating oil, on the other hand, will show consumers far less mercy, with expected increases of 17%. Unless you’ve recently received a massive promotion at work, or had your life recently saved by a utility company, chances are, you’ll be less-than-thrilled about having to dish out more as autumn comes to close. Fortunately, just because temperatures are going down, that doesn’t mean that your bank account balance has to sink alongside them. Instead, we’ve prepared a list of four ways to save money on heating costs this winter.

Savings Tip #1: Leave town

Every year, a migration worthy of National Geographic coverage occurs. Driven out by the threat of frigid temperatures and mornings spent excavating their car from a snow bank, New England snow birds descend in masse upon warm destinations with higher temperatures and lower latitudes. Sleepy, snowbird havens such as Naples, Florida come to life as their populations balloon with members of the New England Diaspora. Simply stated, the easiest way to avoid rising heating bills is to go somewhere where heating isn’t required. The obvious drawbacks to this approach are the massive logistical challenges it involves. Many jobs don’t allow for their workers to be absent half of the year, nor can children attend schools on opposite ends of the country. Needless to say, sorting out housing arrangements is a Herculean undertaking, as well.

Savings Tip #2: Insulate yourself

Presumably, if you’re reading this, you are a mammal. One of the primary traits of mammals is that they are endothermic homeotherms – or in English – warm-blooded. Humans, in particular, are capable of generating their own body heat, and under normal circumstances can auto-regulate their body temperatures to coast at a toasty, 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Unfortunately, as the temperature descends, our ability to stay warm becomes compromised. The reason for this is simple – since heat always moves from higher to lower temperatures, when we enter a chilly room, our body heat radiates off into its colder surroundings. Consequently, one way to prevent yourself from giving up vital degrees is to create a barrier between your body and the cold. Thick woolen sweaters, thermal underwear, and well-insulated jackets can serve as defensive installations designed to ward of the cold’s icy clutches (not to mention, it’ll put a smile on your grandmother’s face to see you finally wear that sweater she knit you).The more tightly you insulate yourself, the better you’ll be able to harness your body’s natural heat for fending off the winter blues without forking over more green to the electric company. The one downside to this approach, however, is that it requires plunking down a large amount of cash on winter wear. With jackets retailing from anywhere between $200-600, their price tags might give you cold feet.

Savings Tip #3: Insulate your home

As detailed in a previous blog, huge amounts of energy can leak out of your home if it is not properly insulated. This can result from walls that are not properly filled with insulation, cracks in windows that are in need of sealing, old windows that are not energy efficient, and other sources of energy drainage. The best way to find out the cause–and solution!–is to schedule a Mass Save® no-cost energy assessment with us. 

According to the EPA studies, it is estimated that homeowners can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs by air sealing their homes and adding insulation.

Remember: You spend money climatizing the air in your home, so when that air leaks out it is literally draining away your investment. So if you want to cut your energy the bills one of the most effective way of doing is weatherizing your home to be more energy efficient.

Savings Tip #4: Switch to solar

Solar technology has taken off over the past decade. Advances in the technology have made access to its clean, convenient energy a possibility for anyone at any budget level. For those ready to start saving immediately, New England’s trusted green energy company Neeeco offers innovative leasing options that use the technology of the future to reduce your home’s energy costs today.

Unlike volatile utility rates that depend on antiquated technology to bring you tomorrow’s cost of living at today’s wages, Neeeco’s rates are locked in and completely insulated from the turbulence of the energy market. Most exciting of all, energy brokered through Neeeco’s leased solar arrays costs as little as 80% of market prices – ensuring hundreds of dollars in savings every year for activities far more enjoyable than turning on a radiator. And, with no upfront costs or installation fees, there’s never been an easier way to save! Those who want to save an average of $36000 over the course of the next 20 years can opt to buy their own solar installation. With government incentives such SREC and SMART compounding upon price reductions resulting from increased efficiencies in manufacturing and production, owning a solar array is more affordable than ever. Thousands of households across the state, Fortune 500 corporations, and even satellite manufacturers have turned to Solar to free them from the burdensome coats of conventional utilities. Why let them have all the savings? Give us a call for a quote today!

By 2050, Solar Energy is expected to account for roughly ⅓ of the U.S energy supply. But why wait until then to take advantage of this environment and wallet-friendly technology?

The Bottom Line

Instead of resorting to itchy sweaters and sub-par, sub-tropical getaways, bring down the cost of winter heating by telling your utility company to take a hike. Modern technology has granted us a greener, cleaner alternative to budget-busting winter energy bills that offers solutions for consumers at all ends of the financial spectrum. Millions throughout the world have joined the green revolution. The only one missing is you!

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