
man in a winter hat. It is cold in the house, heating, air-conditioned room.

Why Is My House So Cold Even with the Heat On?

During the winter months, your house should be a warm and cozy place to escape the cold. If your house is never warm enough, even when you crank up the thermostat, there’s definitely a problem!  If you’re sick of bundling up just to stay warm inside, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll … Read more

family standing outside of cabin in winter

Saving Water Heater Energy during Cold Season

As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, many of us begin to rely heavily on our water heaters to keep us warm and comfortable. However, did you know that heating water accounts for a significant portion of our energy consumption during the winter months? In fact, according to the Department of Energy, water … Read more

Save Money Rebates

The Best Mass Save® Rebates and Incentives for 2023 No-Cost Home Energy Assessment A Mass Save home energy assessment is the first step toward qualifying for Mass Save incentives. This no-cost energy audit includes a detailed evaluation of your home’s air leakage, insulation levels, HVAC system performance, and more. It will show you where the inefficiencies are located in your home so that … Read more

couple looking at tablet while sanding a door

Why You Should Choose Professionals for Home Improvement

A key for home improvement that will give you a comfortable and efficient living condition is auditing your house’s energy flow. You may have done this a couple of times in the past without the help of a professional. However, the recent holidays may push you to reconsider this as there are things that have … Read more

family walking into the house

How Appropriate Windows Lead to Energy-Saving Solution

Do you know how your home’s temperature is regulated? Are you familiar with how airtight and draft-free your doors and windows are? Is your thermostat working just like the usual setting you are used to or the way it should? If not, there may be a problem with the insulation around your windows, doors, or … Read more

family laughing around the christmas tree

Energy-Efficient Tips for Celebrating the Holiday Season

The holiday season would push you to decorate your house or your business establishment. You have to consider the electrical equipment and materials that you will need from setting up to restoration. According to statistics, the average household in the United States pays more or less $2,000 yearly for energy consumption. Holidays are excluded from … Read more

family in a warm home, mother and child playing

How to Keep the Cold Out of Your House with New Insulation

Winter has arrived in Massachusetts and it looks like it’s going to be a cold one! If you want to stay warm without spending a fortune on heating costs this winter, installing more insulation is one of the best decisions you can make. Insulation stops heat from escaping your home so you can keep your … Read more


9 Mass Save Incentives You Didn’t Know About

If you live in Massachusetts and you want to make your home more energy efficient, you should be taking advantage of the Mass Save® initiative. The Sponsors of Mass Save are transforming the way Massachusetts residents use energy by providing rebates, incentives, and financing to help you make energy efficiency upgrades that will save energy … Read more

Women in fall sweater on laptop in home with tea

Why Is Fall the Best Time for a Home Energy Audit?

When you think back to last winter, what do you remember most? If the first thought that comes to mind is paying expensive heating bills or having to wear a coat inside just to stay warm, you should schedule a No-Cost Mass Save® Home Energy Assessment this fall.  Mass Save Home Energy Assessments identify the … Read more

air sealing a vent

Why It Matters To Air Seal Your Home

If it seems like there are 5,280 issues in the home, perhaps that’s because there are a mile of exterior joints that can leak air, which would increase heating and cooling energy bills. It allows moisture, cold drafts, and unwelcome noise to enter a house

Air sealing your home prevents leaks that cause an unwanted exchange of inside and outside air, heat, and moisture. This ensures that all the effort put into building a tight and well-insulated structure doesn’t go out the window (or through the walls, ceiling, or foundation).

woman using heat pump mini split

Are Heat Pumps Efficient in Massachusetts?

Heat pumps are energy-efficient and can help you save money on your heating and cooling bills every month while also reducing your carbon footprint. These all-electric systems provide heating and cooling in one unit for convenient, affordable home comfort—and they can be up to 400% efficient!  Many Massachusetts residents wonder whether heat pumps are worth … Read more

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